Invited Faculty
  • Joe Craft
    Yale Univ.
  • Dr. Craft is an AOA graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. He did postgraduate clinical and immunology training at Yale, joining the faculty in 1985. He has trained 40 postdoctoral fellows and 23 graduate students, and directs a laboratory devoted to understanding of autoimmunity. Dr. Craft is a two-time NIH MERIT Awardee, recipient of the Yale Bohmfalk Basic Science Teaching Prize, and an elected Fellow of AAAS. He is chair of the Board of Lupus Therapeutics of the Lupus Research Alliance, devoted to initiating novel therapeutics in lupus, and a former Pew Scholar.
    Research & Clinical Focus


    T cells

  • Date Time Room Session Title Lecture Title
    May 18 15:30-16:00 Room Auditorium [Plenary Session 2] Disease Mechanism T cell immunity in SLE